MTV ARABIA - Kissing in the Middle East
The traditions of greeting and kissing in the Middle East are very unique and full of nuances. Each country and culture has a different way of kissing, each meaning something different. So MTV took it upon itself to educate people on the variety of kisses and created a 'Department of Protocol and Etiquette' and launched this campaign...on valentines day.
What were briefed as banner ad announcements became online commercials which then aired on regional TV in addition to dozens of popular websites across the Middle East. Along with the commercials, an accompanying website was created. The site showcased 'lessons in kissing' (see video), an interactive kissing game and general user generated kissing content.
Unfortunately, due to the 'sexual' nature of the content, the U.A.E. government censor board asked MTV to take the website down...which, of course, made further news headlines!